It's time to Evolve! business community evolve exceptional life family Aug 31, 2021

Evolving: Develop gradually, especially from simple to a more complex form

As human beings our most basic purpose is to evolve as a species. We all know through centuries we have evolved to our current state of existence. If you look at any IQ chart tracking the intelligence of people...

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Nothing is Perfect, Perfect Lives don't Exist, but Exceptional lives do! Aug 18, 2021

Exceptional is not Perfect

Today I completed writing and editing "The Exceptional Life R-Evolution and  set it off to be finalized for publishing. As I move closer to publishing my new book I feel the need to both clarify and further explain the central theme of the book. In reading my...

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The Great Resignation - Why I wrote "The Exceptional Life R-Evolution" exceptional life peak performance performance the great resignation Aug 10, 2021

Want to know why I wrote my book “The Exceptional Life R-Evolution”?

I wrote this book because after a year of dealing with the pandemic I knew intuitively everything, and I mean everything was about to change. I felt the shift in my workplace, my employees, my community, and even in...

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Welcome to the Evolving to Exceptional Blog best life exceptional life exceptional life r-evolution peak performance performance Aug 09, 2021

The purpose of this blog is to address key topics, current events, and the many strategies available to support our evolution to peak performance. 

What is peak performance? Peak performance is when we have evolved and optimized ourselves to operate at the highest level of our personal...

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