From Head to Heart to Gut
We want to be using all three of our brains all the time to create the best outcomes in our workplaces and our businesses. As a result, we’ve incorporated all three brains throughout our various models and frameworks.
Why did we do this?
We believe the science...
If you could change anything to improve the results or experience in your life, what would it be? What would you change to improve your life experience to create a better experience?
Did you say, “myself”? The one thing we can always have control over and make changes to is...
A recent Harvard Business Review (HBR) article posted on June 17, 2022, stated, “over the past decade, 'purpose' has become a management watchword. Since 2010, it has appeared in the titles of more than 400 new businesses and leadership books and thousands of articles…. Yet...
Just preparing for writing this article, I was super stuck in my head. What is the problem? How can I think about it? How should I present it? What should I do? I had to stop and quiet my head so I could hear the real reflection from my heart.
Our thinking brains are like a crack in a windshield....
For a long time, which ever party has more power (money, influence, size), they are positioned to get the greatest value out of any type of engagement or exchange of value. This includes employee/employer relationships, business to customer relationships, and business to business or to vendor...
The History of Isolation – our workplaces have a long and dark history with separation, isolation, and disconnection. Those in charge of the workplace had a fear of workers rebelling or refusing to do the work required so they kept a tight control on everything individuals did. One very...
What happened to me?
Why don’t I feel like I used to?
When did this all start?
These questions were ones I’ve struggled with over the past year. Trying to understand what happened to me in the years leading up to my significant life shift and ultimate crash and burnout. I think...
I can’t help but observe what incredibly appropriate timing it is for this article with the recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade which has had the effect of creating a tremendous amount of fear for many in our society. The implications of this type of decision...
Blind Spot: The Global Rise of Unhappiness and How Leaders Missed It
State of the Global Workplace: 2022 Report
Have you seen Gallup's new 2022 Workplace Report and book on the global rise of unhappiness?
Would it surprise you to know Gallup found the following?
- 3.3 billion people want a...
New Capabilities Needed to Navigate Challenges
Reflecting on the last few years and the challenges we have experienced as a society; we have been through a lot. Right now, people everywhere are facing tremendous challenges including safety of children in our schools; increasing rates of...
If Corporate is Dead, what do we need to differently?
If traditional corporate business was run like a machine, what if the new business model is evolving like a human being?
What do you mean by business is run like a machine?
“A successful corporation is often said to be...
We each carry some version of a heavy load with us everywhere we go – marital issues, performance challenges, financial troubles, parenting hurdles, etc. These circumstances trigger emotions within us that lead to reactions that either help us survive these challenges or hinder our...