Excellence takes Experience & Resilience Requires Repetition Aug 23, 2023

In order to create new neural pathways in our brains and bodies we need to have the courage to take repeated action in order to gain experience and resilience that create long-term excellence!





A few months ago, at the Missouri Employment Conference (MEC), I...

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The Loneliness Paradox: Unveiling the Epidemic, Cracking the Code, and Embracing Connection Jun 02, 2023

The Loneliness Epidemic

In an era dominated by social media and virtual interactions, one might assume that loneliness would be on the decline. However, studies indicate the contrary, revealing a loneliness epidemic that cuts across generations. Earlier this month, the U.S. Surgeon General issued...

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The Lasting Impacts of Burnout: Recognizing the Long-Term Consequences and the Urgent Need for Action May 24, 2023

Last week, I delivered a keynote to about 200 HR Professionals at the Missouri Employment Conference, speaking publicly for the first time about my journey to burnout. Just re-telling the story reminds me of how much I endured that ultimately led to my burnout experience.

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When I asked the...

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Unleashing the Power of NeuroPerformance: Navigating the Risks and Rewards of AI in a Changing World May 11, 2023

AI is quickly sweeping the world and creating transformation and change on an unprecedented scale. The significance of this technology and its impact is highlighted by the warnings issued by those who are helping to create it.

“AI is more dangerous than, say, mismanaged aircraft design or...
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Balancing My Nervous System changed My Life May 04, 2023

Alright, this article title might be a bit dramatic, but stay with me here because it’s also the truth. Two months ago, I decided to download an app to help me balance my nervous system. If you are like me, you might not know much about the nervous system and why it has such a huge impact...

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Evolving Leaders for the Future Apr 19, 2023

Various leadership styles and approaches have been defined in hundreds of leadership books. They all use different language to describe various styles and approaches to leadership. Despite research done by organizations like Gallup to identify what traits or attributes create a great leader or...

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The Missing Link - (mBIT) Multiple Brain Integration Techniques Apr 13, 2023

Coming off six straight days of training to become certified as an mBIT Trainer, I returned home to my three-year-old sick with a fever and my son having an asthma attack at school. As I held my daughter in my arms feeling the tremendous heat of her skin, I had a lot of time to reflect on...

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Responding to Gun Violence - A Third Choice! Mar 28, 2023

Note: This article is not intended to be political or polarizing but rather an alternative way of looking at and responding to recent events. An approach that incorporates our inner wisdom, intelligence, and highest expression.

As an empathic mother to three small children (six-year-old boy and...

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3 Strategies Today's Leaders need to Optimize Performance and Avoid Burnout Mar 15, 2023

Just a few years ago, my performance practices were more than adequate to support my success and that of my teams. But in recent years, the challenges we've encountered have had a significant impact on the performance of people and workplaces. Women, especially women leaders, have been...

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My Story of Struggle as a Woman in the Workplace Mar 10, 2023

Just a few short years ago I remember a very specific conversation I had with my boss at the time about my development. I had asked for feedback on how I could keep growing to get future promotion opportunities. Being the head of talent management, I’d completed the requisite development...

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Meeting Modern Family Needs Mar 01, 2023

Modern Models are needed to Meet Modern Family Needs

You wouldn’t try to run a new software program on a computer from the 1990s, let alone one from the 1970s. Even if you did, it wouldn’t work – the computer can’t handle that level of power and processing. In most cases,...

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Why Managers & Leaders don't do what they know they should! Feb 22, 2023

While completing a new course for a neuroscience certification program I am taking, I was reminded of a really important concept…

We can know what is needed and even how to do it, but it doesn’t mean we will do it

The Challenge

When it comes to...

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