Last month, I had one of those big milestone birthdays!
You know the ones, like when you turn 16 and can drive, or 18 and can vote, or 21 and can drink alcohol (legally)!
Last month, I turned 40!
This birthday has often been referred to as “over the hill" because it...
Yesterday I was reflecting on a recent failure, and I began pondering the question:
Which teaches us the most...failure or success?
Surely there are valuable lessons to be learned from both.
But which of these has the potential to propel us forward in our growth and evolution?
The choice...
I’m ready to admit my leadership failures.
I’ve struggled to take full responsibility and accountability for some of the decisions I made, actions I took, and ways of being I operated within as a leader.
My leadership development was aligned with all the industry best practices,...
The benefits of wellbeing are indisputable, and plenty of research and data supports its importance and impact on people at work. The creation of workplace programs has exploded in recent years, especially in response to the concerning statistics on stress, mental health, and burnout.
Over the course of the past year, I immersed myself in a NeuroLeadership Practitioner and Neurobiology of Coaching Diploma program with the About my Brain Institute.
I began this journey out of a desire to add a leadership assessment to my current offerings that is grounded in the...
On International Women’s Day this year, I want to share a bit about the challenge with creating safe cultures where people can thrive, particularly for women.
Businesses started with most roles being primarily held by men. In large part, women are still a minority in many rooms...
Remote Work Issues are a Symptom of a Bigger Issue
If you were trying to pull out a weed you wouldn't try to pull its leaves, would you? No! You’d dig deep and grab it at the root to pull it out and make sure it didn’t come back.
The debates around remote work are like pulling leaves....
Yesterday, Hamas called for a Global Day of Jihad today (October 13th). They've called for a day of violence, anger, protest, and potentially death. My sister texted me last night fearful to send her children to school.
Despite being thousands of miles away from the violence and conflict...
What is coherence?
Coherence is when all of the parts fit together or work together at their best. The quality of forming a unified whole.
What is body coherence?
Body coherence is the coherent flow of information within and between the physiological systems and processes within the body.
A challenge many leaders (especially senior leaders) have and may not recognize are the blind spots created by their high level of competence and success. In order to earn their positions, Leaders have typically learned and developed the skills required and demonstrated a high level of competence...
I’m not just writing this article because I’ve had a sick child home every day this week (although I have!). It has, however, certainly highlighted the issue for me personally in light of the impending crises we are facing this coming weekend.
If you haven’t seen the news...
“I bet you think this song (article) is about you don’t you! Don’t you! You’re so vain!”
(If you don’t recognize the song quote above, look up “Your so Vain” by Carly Simon)
If you think this article is about you...
It’s not!
It's not...