My Year-End Review: Reflecting on My Year of Growth
Jan 09, 2025My 2024 both started and ended with surgery. At the start, I had surgery to remove my gallbladder, and by the end, my husband had his appendix removed.
Both unplanned. Both challenging.
The chaos at the start and end of the year, however, is not an accurate or REAL reflection of the year overall. In fact, as I took time to reflect on this year, it was absent from many of the milestones we look for to mark our progression each year and in life in general.
What went according to plan this year? Nothing!
What didn’t go to plan? Everything!
Quite literally, I did not accomplish any of the goals or plans as I had originally defined them.
In fact, I didn’t even set very many goals or targets this year to begin with. After an incredibly challenging 2023 filled with betrayal, bad investments, and being sick more often than not, as I entered 2024, all I wanted was it to be better than 2023.
I thought (consciously or subconsciously) that by expecting less of 2024, I might avoid disappointment. Unfortunately, I think it also impacted the likelihood of being blessed.
The few expectations or goals I did set were thwarted left and right. In every attempt to hire, outsource or contract work, I experienced delays and disappointments. Each exciting opportunity led to tremendous insight and growth but not necessarily finalized results or clear next steps.
Without clear accomplishments and achievements to point to as indicators of my progress or results, I was forced to dig deeper into what my year encapsulated and how it impacted me.
Reflecting on 2024
I use a technique I call REAL Reflection that taps into the various neural networks in the human body to illicit insights and observations.
- R - REVIEW: What do I really know, think, perceive, or understand about this year?
- E - EXPLORE: What do I truly feel, value, find important, or relate to about this year?
- A - ACT: What do I deeply identify with or sense to act upon about this year?
- L - LEARN: What is the most creative, compassionate, and courageous next step?
As I utilized this practice, I began to realize that just because my year didn’t consist of the typical milestones that are traditionally indicative of progress and success in life doesn’t mean I did nothing all year.
Let's start with what I didn’t do:
- I didn’t get pregnant, married, or divorced.
- I didn’t change jobs or get a promotion.
- I didn’t accomplish major goals or financial targets.
- I didn’t buy, remodel or decorate a house.
- I didn’t get a new car, bike, or boat.
- I didn’t take any fancy, exciting, or exotic vacations.
Upon review, I recognized I just didn't have many of the typical (albeit maybe superficial) accomplishments or milestones to share.
What did I actually think, feel or do in 2024?
I turned 40, celebrated 10 years of marriage, and dove deep into the depths of darkness within myself.
The later, took up far more of my time and energy than I ever could have anticipated.
I spent most of my year taking applying what I've discovered, learned, and created to myself. I tried all my tools and techniques. I reviewed my courses gleaning their insights and wisdom for me. Then, I wove together my lessons and learnings to create a beautiful tapestry.
Through all this, I learned how to become and be more of me so I could not just enlighten others but exemplify a new way of being.
Day by day, and in the smallest of ways, I changed my ways of being.
I became more present, beginning to notice and increase awareness around and within me.
I realized the importance of coherence and regulating my body into balance.
I learned to feel my feelings more fully.
I discovered how to reprocess my experiences to think more clearly.
I unearthed actions aligned with my own authenticity and intuitive wisdom within.
The work I accomplished can’t be captured in a list. The work I did was harder than any action or achievement. This year, I focused on my innermost ways of being. On healing my past heartbreaks and healing.
Most importantly, I realize now the work I did is only really just the start. I've only just begun to clear and clean the scum from my pond. As I do, more will emerge from deep under the surface of myself and with it more opportunities to face it and clear it away.
To some, my year-end review might appear to be inadequate or incomplete…
But to me, it reflects truly the hardest work I’ve ever done at all.
A conscious choice to become more of me, freed from patterns of pain preventing me from feeling free.
I've learned the work we do on ourselves is truly the most important work of all. For when we intentionally invest in evolving ourselves, we expand our human capacity and enhance our experiences and lives.
For Your Reflection
Consider your own year of 2024 through this lens and using the REAL Reflection practice. How did you evolve, grow, and transform in 2024? What do you know, think, feel, find important, or sense to take action on that will impact your 2025?
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