Addressing the Burnout of Human Resources & Talent Management May 18, 2022

The Challenge - Burnout of Critical Resources

Recently, I was trying to fill an HR/TM Mastermind to talk about issues being faced in our workplaces today. I discovered how totally burned out and over-worked HR/TM (Human Resources & Talent Management) professionals are today. According to...

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A New Approach to Org Design Apr 26, 2022

Responsibility for Work Process & Org Design

Where does the responsibility for work processes and organizational design live in your organization? Who is part of the meeting that decides which groups report to whom and how work should be executed in the business? In most...

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The Death of Corporate Apr 19, 2022

Is the "corporate" workplace of the past dying? Or has it already died while many choose to pretend it still exists?

In either case, the working world of the past is fast coming to an end which can be viewed as either a challenge or opportunity. Those who might view it as a challenge will...

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To Be Mar 31, 2022

I was staring out my window one day and I began reflecting on how nice it must be to just BE.  

What am I talking about? 

I was imagining what it must be like to just be a tree,

or a cloud,

or a bird,

or even a rock.

To just do exactly what you are supposed to do.

To be...

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Magical Movie Moments Mar 08, 2022

How our thoughts impact our results and how to have them create magical movie moments for you!


Several years ago, I learned from Cy Wakeman the power of our thoughts.
How what we choose to think
impacts how we feel,
which impacts what we do,
which impacts our results or outcome.
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Peaceful Perspectives Mar 01, 2022

The Story & Lesson: As the Bombs Drop

Yesterday, it started once again.

The bombs were dropped, the soldiers were sent in.

The war began all over again.

Once again, one country (or maybe really just its leader) decided it was time to expand again. Whatever their explanations to the countries...
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Amplify Women's Voices Feb 03, 2022

This week Keira Poulsen and I launched our newest program "Amplify Women's Voices" to support women in sharing their messages. I am extremely excited about this new program and wanted to provide some additional background, details, and information on the program. 

What exactly is "Amplify...

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My Graduation to a New Level! evolve Nov 23, 2021

Over five years ago, on a super-hot day in June, I sat in a Las Vegas conference room at the SHRM Annual Conference. The room was filled beyond capacity with people sitting on the floors and leaning against walls around the entire room. All these...

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Seasons of Life best life evolve exceptional life peak performance Nov 11, 2021

As the seasons change, nature provides us valuable lessons should we choose to notice and learn from them. Each fall, the wind blows and the leaves on the trees tremble in response as the cold air of fall descending on the forest. The trees respond slowly…disconnecting and dropping their...

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My New Journey exceptional life r-evolution peak performance Oct 01, 2021

The time has come for me to make a very big announcement about my future and I felt sharing the events that led to this new journey was important to understanding my decision. 

How it started...

Throughout 2020 I experienced the emotional pull on my heart, felt by so many, of the...

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It's time to Evolve! business community evolve exceptional life family Aug 31, 2021

Evolving: Develop gradually, especially from simple to a more complex form

As human beings our most basic purpose is to evolve as a species. We all know through centuries we have evolved to our current state of existence. If you look at any IQ chart tracking the intelligence of people...

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