Over This "Next" Hill: Rebranding my Birthday!
Aug 20, 2024Last month, I had one of those big milestone birthdays!
You know the ones, like when you turn 16 and can drive, or 18 and can vote, or 21 and can drink alcohol (legally)!
Last month, I turned 40!
This birthday has often been referred to as “over the hill" because it represented about halfway through our life/work!
I remember my parents turning 40...when I was a teenager.
But that’s not the world we live in anymore…
- We are getting married older. (I got married at 30)
- We are having kids later. (I was 31 when I had my son, and 35 with my twin girls)
- We are changing jobs more often.
- We are working later in life.
- We are living longer. (My grandma lived to 91)
This birthday often also gets associated with having a "midlife crisis" involving affairs, sports cars, and other life choices representative of clinging to youth.
I often wonder whether my "midlife crisis" started earlier accelerated by the birth of my twins, the pandemic, and my career change. I’ve been on quite the journey the last few years.
I’ve met and formed friendships with people all over the world.
I’ve been trained and certified in multiple coaching methods.
I’ve learned and studied the neuroscience of human performance.
I’ve become the author and co-author of six books.
I’ve spoken on numerous stages.
I’ve built a business with a program unlike any other I can find in the market.
But most of all, I’ve discovered so much more about myself, my purpose, and the life I want.
My "midlife" experience has been one of enlightenment, exploration, evolution, empowerment, expansion, and enjoyment.
As my milestone birthday approached, I decided it was time to rebrand 40 as being “over this next hill."
Re-Branding 40: Over this "next" hill
We must look at our lives as a series of sprints.
Sometimes our journey requires us to climb uphill and it’s hard.
While other times we get the joy and ease of the downhill stretch of our journey.
It’s not just one hill we are climbing in our lives with a before and an after. Instead, each hill is a beautiful adventure allowing us to live our most exceptional life, if we choose to do so.
Our lives are no longer as simple as they have been in the past. With the rate of change in the world, we will have to face more in our lifetimes than anyone else in history.
What an amazing opportunity this offers for our human growth and evolution.
Evolving as Human Beings
I named my business Evolving to Exceptional because I believe that if we can evolve as humans, we can live more meaningful lives, exceptional lives.
I created my Evolving Workplaces division because if workplaces evolve their ways of working, they will be able to achieve more exceptional results while also creating exceptional experiences for people.
Years ago, I didn’t yet know how I would do it.
How I would or could create or support this evolution.
After years of research, deep thinking, and embodied exploration I’ve gotten much closer.
I won’t profess to have fully finalized my solution. I fundamentally believe everything not only can always be improved but must continue to evolve and be made better.
But I will say, I’ve created something truly transformational that I am tremendously proud of and prepared to share with the world!
In honor of my “over this next hill” birthday I’m hosting a special event:
“Wisdoming Work to Help Humanity”
During this week-long event, I will be sharing some of my biggest discoveries over the past few years about the science of human performance and workplace practices.
Wisdoming Work Week Events
We will kick off the week on Monday, September 9th, with a free live streamed webinar:
"Unlocking Untapped Human Capacity for the New Era of Intelligence"
We will follow this live webinar with three days of live, interactive workshops where together we will dive into unlocking some of your untapped capacity.
Workshop: Identifying Constraints & Barriers to Peak Performance
Workshop: Overcoming Culture Constraints & Wiser Work Practices
Workshop: Experiencing Embodied Transformation to Expand Capacity
These sessions will highlight the ways we are being hurt and hindered by current culture and the constraints it has created on our capacity, consciousness, capabilities, and competence.
Register to attend the workshops here.
What To Expect
An experience that improves both you and your team’s performance by:
- Enlightening your consciousness (self-awareness) of current constraints on performance
- Enriching your understanding, reflecting, and action planning practices
- Equipping you with a practice for accessing wisdom and expanding capacity
- Empowering transformation with actions that will enhance your capabilities and competence.
As part of this series, you will get to participate in assessments, engage in discussion, reflect on new insights, use a few of our tools, and apply some of our unique practices to your performance.
At the end of the week, you will get to decide whether you want to continue the journey you’ve begun towards becoming exceptional.
As part of this series and launch, I will be extending a few special offers to join our community, an annual webinar series, and/or our newly re-launched Evolving Leaders program.
Why Now?
I’m announcing this series because these programs are really the result of the hill I’ve been climbing for the last decade. I've been climbing my way through deep understanding and development of comprehensive programs and offers.
Now, I’m ready to spend some time on downhill and reach more people in the process. I'm ready to share all I've discovered and invite you to join me!
Keep an eye out for details to sign up and join us for this week-long kick-off to becoming a wiser leader (at work or home) who betters supports their humans and humanity!
Interested in Learning More?
To learn about NeuroPerformance and a neuroscience-based approach to living a better life sign up here!
Check out our Neuroscience of Self-Awareness free giveaways including an assessment, strategies handout, webinar, and more!
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