My New Journey

exceptional life r-evolution peak performance Oct 01, 2021

The time has come for me to make a very big announcement about my future and I felt sharing the events that led to this new journey was important to understanding my decision. 

How it started...

Throughout 2020 I experienced the emotional pull on my heart, felt by so many, of the challenges the world is facing today. By Christmas, I felt a nudge and had a strong desire to write a book – a desire that couldn’t be ignored. In the Spring, I was feeling the overwhelming effects of the loneliness created by the pandemic and went on Meetup to look for ways to connect. I ended up finding the “Voices of Women Summit” and being a guest speaker at the Summit. While watching the other speakers – one stood out – one had a clear message that felt like it was just for me – her name is Keira Poulsen. Keira is a coach who supports women writers and helps them to publish their messages and bring them in the world. Keira shared her own experience with writing and her passion and purpose – the discussion was magical.

By April 2021, I had written a few thousand words and knew what the book needed to be about, but I was totally lost on the process and publication. Most of the advice I received was – to write the book, find an agent, and then try to get a publisher. Then, I remembered Keira and reached out to her – this decision was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. Keira’s approach is spiritual and one of support, guidance, and encouragement. She provided me all the steps and tools I needed to successfully write and publish my book.

How it grew...

Through the coming months, the book came through as if it were meant to be written, because certainly it was! The knowledge was based upon my learning and experience, but the examples, analogies, and stories were clearly divinely inspired. The book I wrote has a message for the world – a message desperately needed – a message that we can all live exceptional lives and the knowledge to do so is readily available to us!

The book – “The Exceptional Life R-Evolution” is meant to provide people with a practical guide to reach peak performance and create exceptional experiences in our workplaces, homes, and communities. We are meant to evolve our performance to reach our peak and, in doing so, we can live better lives, exceptional lives. If enough people choose to do so, we can create the exceptional life r-evolution! I knew in my heart and soul it was time for an evolutionary revolution – so as humans we can and will live exceptional lives – lives filled with success, joy, happiness, and peace.

The shift in my heart...

As I completed the book, I felt a nudge, a pull, and ultimately a calling I could not ignore to move my life in a new direction. I attempted to quiet and ignore the calling – because I felt quite attached to my current life. I have loved the company, Experitec, which I have worked at for over ten years and dedicated my life to it’s becoming and staying an exceptional workplace. Many of the Experitec employee owners are like family to me and I have been totally committed to helping them live their best possible life, an exceptional life, and for Experitec to be a part of it. I strongly believe workplace experiences must be exceptional if people are going to have exceptional lives – the workplaces impact our personal life and vice versa. My passion and purpose were to make this a reality at Experitec, and we did it! Experitec was recognized three times as a Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award Winner! I was also blessed to be able to do accomplish everything working with the most phenomenal, committed, and talented team of employees – every day was a joy working with them!

The decision...

Unfortunately, due to a variety of factors, challenges, and the incessant ringing of the call I continued to be pushed and pulled into an entirely new direction. I made the very difficult and heartbreaking decision to separate and move on from this company I have loved and devoted myself to in order to accept God’s call for me to do something different in my life. Despite my best efforts to remain, God is not one to be ignored and he continued to send messages and direction that gave me little choice but to accept. As a result, I have made the decision to pursue a new career – God’s new direction and plan for my future. I have been called to help more people live exceptional lives and this calling includes serving in a variety of ways.

Working with Workplaces to become Exceptional

First, I want to help more businesses become exceptional workplaces just like I did with Experitec. I especially want to partner with businesses who can’t afford a full time VP of HR or Talent Management but want to achieve taking their good or great business and become exceptional! I will apply the same practices and strategies I created that helped make Experitec a phenomenal business and company to work for and with. I will create customized programs that incorporate the business culture and current practices and partner closely with internal resources providing coaching and support. Successfully becoming an exceptional workplaces happens with time, commitment, and intentional effort by all leaders and employees. And it is entirely possible no matter your size, location, or industry.

Women, Inclusion, and Workplace Respect

Second, I want to focus on the challenges associated with inclusion in the workplace. Specifically, I will coach and support women who are interested in or growing into leadership positions. I know from personal experience the talent and capacity many women have for leadership – but many don’t receive the same support, coaching, and advice as their male counterparts. I look forward to making an impact in increasing the number of ready female leaders in the workplace. I also hope to partner with organizations who truly want to change their cultures and create greater inclusion. The workplace of the future is inclusive – and the sooner businesses start working on it the better!

Providing Corporate Resources to Individuals

Third, I want to help individuals who don’t have the same access to training and development as those in the corporate world. I want to provide them the tools, knowledge, and strategies to reach peak performance in any role they perform – especially the roles we perform at home and in our communities. These roles are often overlooked, and individuals are left trying to figure out what to do, how to do it, and most don’t even know how many resources are available to help them.

The Official Launch of Evolving to Exceptional!

To achieve these objectives, I am launching my new business Evolving to Exceptional which will provide consulting, coaching, training, and support services to businesses, families, and communities. I believe this new business can make a major difference in the world today for all those who seek to live a better life, their best life possible, an exceptional life!

In my new book, I share my 90-year-old grandmother told me with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes “I lived an exceptional life” and I want every person to feel the same when they look back on their life. What will you say when you look back on your life? Will you think, “I lived an exceptional life?” I truly believe we can change the world if we just focus on changing our performance in it – and I hope to start the Exceptional Life R-Evolution in the process.

To the Experitec Employee Owners

I know Experitec has all the tools, strategies, and approaches necessary to continue to be an exceptional workplace. I am hopeful the leadership team will continue to foster these practices and maintain the amazing culture Experitec has always had. I will always consider myself part of the extended Experitec Family and will remain available to everyone for support, advice, and guidance in the future. Although I will miss Experitec, the employee owners, and especially those I worked closely with very much – I am very excited about what I will be doing in the future. I know God’s plan for me will allow me to make an even bigger impact in the world.

What comes next...

My new book will be available officially on October 10, 2021 – make sure to get on my list so you can get it right away! I promise you will be impacted by its message in ways you can’t even imagine. Sign up Today! If you want a sneak peak of the first chapter sign up here: Free First Chapter!

If you want to stay connected and continue to hear more about this journey and what I am doing to transform lives – get on my email list, follow me on social media (@jessicatietjenjd) and stay in touch! I already have more in the works coming soon!

For anyone out there interested in learning more about Evolving to Exceptional and the offerings we have available you can reach me at [email protected]

The Journey is Just Beginning

As I say in my book, we each climb many performance mountains throughout our careers – they each look different – for me I am about to embark on my new journey and plan to enjoy and embrace every moment! I am passionate about helping people to live exceptional lives and I look forward to making a difference in the world! 

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